Om oor te begin….
Hoekom is ons (tog
sekerlik nie net ek nie???) so bang om ‘n foutjie te begaan?
Dalk kom daar net
iets wonderliks te voorskyn as ons die foutjie probeer regstel. Of as ons weer
oor wil probeer om te doen waarvoor ons aanvanklik gemik het, ontstaan daar
heel waarskynlik ‘n nuwe avontuur en eindproduk!
Is dit dan nie met
bietjie sukkel en struwel dat ons sterker word nie? Dan leer ons onsself ook
sommer beter in die proses ken. En kom heel dikwels agter dat ons toe baie
sterker is as wat ons ooit self gedink het!
Katrina Mayer sê: “sometimes you just have to begin again!” *
Nie dat ek dink sy
het foutjie begaan en het toe oor begin nie. Dis net dat haar woorde by my
vassteek. Soms moet mens net ‘n “oops”
maak. Dan hoef jy nie te wonder oor “what
if” nie! As jy nie die oeps gemaak het nie, sou jy altyd wonder! En soms
moet mens net weer oor begin!
Gaan kuier gerus
op * Katrina Mayer se webwerf. ‘n Vrou wat interessante besluite in haar lewe
geneem het. Dapper vrou!
In 2010, after working for almost 30 years in Corporate America, Katrina resigned from her position as an executive at a $41 billion bank to pursue her other dream. She always wanted to be a full-time author and keynote speaker and now she dedicates herself to help people around the world live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. She’s the author of The Mustard Seed Way, as well as an ordained interfaith minister. And she’s not too shabby in the kitchen, either!
In 2010, after working for almost 30 years in Corporate America, Katrina resigned from her position as an executive at a $41 billion bank to pursue her other dream. She always wanted to be a full-time author and keynote speaker and now she dedicates herself to help people around the world live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. She’s the author of The Mustard Seed Way, as well as an ordained interfaith minister. And she’s not too shabby in the kitchen, either!
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