Arch for
Die afgelope maand
of wat hou ons die sakie dop. Wat is hulle besig om te doen aan die onderpunt
van die Kompanjiestuin? Daar waar Government
Avenue tussen die bome begin – net daar waar Adderleystraat besluit hy word
Waalstraat – is ‘n doenigheid.
Elke nou en dan
stap ons verby om die vordering dop te hou. Indrukwekkende hout strukture word
opgesit. En nee, dis nie sommer net ‘n tydelike besigheidjie vir ‘n konsertjie
of opvoerinkie wat daar gehou word nie. Hier is iets groters en meer permanent
aan die kom.
Dis toe ook een
laatmiddag ‘n goeie verskoning om oorkant die pad agteroor te sit met ‘n
skuimkop-biertjie om die doenigheid gade te slaan. Die werkers weet wat hulle
doen en werk fluks.
En uiteindelik sien
ons die indrukwekkende eindproduk. Soos Design
Indaba berig:
Arch for Arch is a commissioned architectural structure that commemorates the work and life of one of South Africa’s most celebrated figures, Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The project celebrates its namesake Tutu (lovingly nicknamed “the Arch”), and its design is meant to be a physical representation of his strength and resilient humanity.
Arch for Arch is a commissioned architectural structure that commemorates the work and life of one of South Africa’s most celebrated figures, Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The project celebrates its namesake Tutu (lovingly nicknamed “the Arch”), and its design is meant to be a physical representation of his strength and resilient humanity.
The wooden arches were bent by Croatian boat builder Dario Farcic
in Johannesburg. Each strand of wood bears a single line from the South African
Constitution’s preamble, signifying the founding principles on which the
country is built.
Ons was gelukkig
om Desmond Tutu se toespraak oor die radio te hoor tydens die onthulling. Op
86-jarige ouderdom raak hy steeds harte aan. Ernstig, eerlik met sy uitbundige lag en sin vir humor.
‘n Baie besonderse
arch vir ‘n baie besonderse man.
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